The Children’s Ministry at Redeemer desires to point our children to Jesus in hopes that they will come to know Him as their Savior at a young age and walk with Him. The children are mentored in the faith by godly teachers who guide them as they learn and apply God’s truth to their lives.
Our Children’s Wing is upstairs. If you’re new, there will be a Greeter at the counter at the top of the stairs to your right, they will love to meet you and tell you where you should bring your kiddo! Drop-off begins at 9:00am and classes begin at 9:15am. Children 4 & up need to be picked at 10:15am in order to join the family for the beginning part of the Worship Service. Children infant to 3 can stay in their classrooms with their caregivers.
Littlest Kids: Infants thru two years of age (or until out of diapers) are shown the love of Jesus as they are cared for, played with and payed attention to in our nursery by loving ladies of our church. Infants (Room 201). Toddlers (Room 205).
Little Kids: Three, four and five year olds enjoy group time with a fun Bible lesson and hands-on learning activities with their loving teachers, Debbie and Jim Raikes (Room 202).
Big Kids: First and second graders meet and learn together from the Gospel Light curriculum with creative games, Bible lessons, and Scripture memory with their loving teachers, Georgina Kern and Tracy Lopez (Room 207).
Bigger Kids: Third thru fifth grade meet with loving teachers, Pam Schaeffer and Ruth Lininger, to grow in their relationships with God through Bible stories, Scripture memory, music and hands-on learning (Room 208).
These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 6:4
Children’s Church is for ages 4 and up who should join their parents for worship time at 10:30am. After worship time, the children are dismissed (it will be announced, usually after the Worship in Prayer time) for Children’s Church in the Castle Room (Room 212) for a message relevant to their stage of life and a little bit of fun for good measure. Please pick up your child after the service, which is usually around 11:45am.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
Midweek Activities
Childcare is available beginning at 6:00 for infants-5th grade. Please check-in at the welcome table in our Children’s Wing.
Pioneer Girls 6:30-7:30pm (K-5th grade)
The young girls of Redeemer enjoy learning and growing in the Lord together as they make creative projects and learn God’s truth in fun ways from our skilled ladies. (Room 207 & 215)

Come Visit
721 Easton Rd
Dallas TX 75218
Sunday Worship 11:00am